Neuropsychological assessment is a structured method to assess a person on the basis of their personal history and circumstances, detailing both strengths and weaknesses,  leading to an understanding of any condition and how to appropriately manage or

Clinical Interview is important for an understanding whether or not there are specific background factors that can explain symptoms or concerns being reported, and creates an understanding of any reported symptoms in the context of the persons daily life. 

Neuropsychological testing is a standardised method where psychological tests are used to measure features of psychological function including the assessment of such areas as;

  1. -    Memory Function

  2. -    Language and Speech Skills

  3. -    Reading & Spelling

  4. -    Spatial Skills

  5. -    Perceptual Abilities

  6. -    Executive Function

  7. -    Reasoning Abilities

  8. -    Motor skills

  9. -    Judgement and awareness

  10. -    Personality Function

-     Mental State (i.e. mood, anxiety... ).

Such tests are individually related to a persons background and reports of previous skills and abilities- though the tests themselves allow to interpret whether there is an specific area requiring attention, further investigation or management.

Neuropsychological counseling is provided based on the clinical assessment and objective test results- where knowledge of any particular areas of ability or weakness via testing can assist to form an individual treatment plan.  Feedback and advice is provided on the basis of informed diagnostic assessment- where this can include the use of compensatory or remediation strategies, advice regarding external supports, or the development of graduated goals using a supportive behavioral therapy strategy.

Neuropsychological monitoring of a persons condition can occur after baseline neuropsychological assessment- to objectively see whether the person’s condition is stable or changing over time.  This helps inform the management of any condition, including whether further investigations or services from other professionals are required.

Neuropsychological assessment can take 2 to 4 hours, together with breaks to rest.  Assessments can also be made over separate days in order to manage any anxiety or fatigue.

Neuropsychological services are provided for a variety of disorders, where Dr Gibbs has experience with rare and complex matters.  Services can relate to the neuropsychological effects of;

  1.   Dementias 

  2.   Head Injury

  3.   Cerebrovascular Events (Stroke, aneurysms, haemorrhage...)

  4.   Epilepsy

  5.   Cerebral tumours;  radiotherapy

  6.   Infectious Diseases

  7.   Endocrine Disorders

  8.   Toxic exposure (eg; Carbon Monoxide; Solvents.....)

  9.   Genetic Disorders

  10.   Movement Disorders (eg.  Parkinsons Disease).

  11.   Effects of medical conditions ( eg; hypertension, diabetes, renal disease, cardiac or respiratory arrest ....).

  12.   Psychiatric Disorders  (Affective, Anxiety, Psychotic, Post-Traumatic, Obsessive Compulsive ....).

  13.   Individuals who report disorder where the test results are normal or expected level.

All material and images are copyright.

Permission has been kindly granted for use of images by the artist Prof KatherineSherwood where these communicate ideas relevant to the neuropsychological services provided, though the art speaks for itself.
